My main role in the Marine Ecology Group - Fisheries Lab is assisting with the research conducted by Dr. Dianne McLean, running and maintaining laboratoy equipment, and helping post-graduate students with their studies. Our main research focus, at this stage, is on fish ecology and associations with offshore infrastructure in Western Australia. As a research assistant my responsibilities include field data collection, video and statistical analysis, as well as assisting in the writing and publication of research.
About me
Originally from Hong Kong, I grew up in southern England before attending the University of Sheffield and graduating with honours in Zoology. I then moved to Perth in order to complete a Master of Biological Sciences, focused on marine biology, at UWA. This research on ontogenetic shifts in the emperor species Lethrinus punctulatus was conducted in the Marine Ecology Group - Fisheries Research Lab with Dr. Dianne McLean, Dr. Tim Langlois and Camilla Piggott as my supervisors. On completing my Masters in 2016 I started working in the Marine Ecology Group - Fisheries Research Lab as a Research Assistant using stereo-video to better understand fish ecology and communities associated with artificial structures off the coast of Western Australia.
Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre
School of Biological Sciences (M470)
35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009</p>
+618 6488 6771
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