I am a marine ecologist focused on understanding the optimal way that both commercial and recreational fisheries can be managed to meet their objectives and maximise the broader benefits of healthy marine ecosystems to society. I have used no-take marine reserves and fisheries closure to better understand ecosytem dynamics and the impacts of fishing. I have demonstrated that these closures can provide important value-adding to fisheries science.
My research is multidisciplinary across socio-economics, oceanography and statistical theory.
See our Research page and my UWA Research Profile for more details.
BIOL1131 Plant and Animal Biology
BIOL4407 Marine Conservation and Fisheries Management
SCIE5505 Global Change and the Marine Environment
Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre
School of Biological Sciences (M470)
35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009</p>
+618 6488 4733</p>
About me
Orginally from Jersey in the Channel Islands my first jobs were as deckhand on a lobster boat and sorter on an oyster farm.
I went to high school at Atlantic College in South Wales and graduated in Marine Biology and Oceanography with Honours from Bangor University in North Wales.
I worked in Chile at the Universidad de la Santisima Concepcion for my Honours project on macroinvertebrate fauna associated with museel beds.
After university I worked for 6 months with the Royal Geographical Society in Mauritius on the Shoals of Capricorn marine research program in the St. Brandon Archipelago and on the island of Rodrigues. I then worked as a research assistant at the Leigh Marine Laboratory of the University of Auckland where I completed my PhD thesis on how reef associated predators (rock lobster and pink snapper) feed on soft sediment fauna, supervised by Marti Anderson and Russ Babcock. I also worked with Bill Ballantine who was responsible for establishing the first no-take marine reserves in New Zealand.
During my PhD I was involved in the monitoring of fish and lobster populations inside and outside marine reserves in both New Zealand and New Caledonia, and piloted stereo baited video equipment, borrowed from Dianne McLean and Euan Harvey at the University of Western Australia.
This led me over to Perth, where I worked with Jessica Meeuwig, Gary Kendrick and Euan Harvey on the Securing Marine Futures project. I then undertook a post-doc with the West Australian Marine Science Institute developing monitoring approaches to disentangle the effects of global warming and fishing, after which I took up a research and teaching postion at UWA.