The influence of subsea infrastructure on fish and fisheries and the implications for decommissioning
Decommissioning off shore infrastructure is a major global issue set to cost Australia $18 billion over the next 50 years. In Australia, full removal of infrastructure is required at this phase unless alternatives, such as leaving infrastructure in-situ, are shown to reduce impacts and risks to as low as reasonably practicable. My research assesses the value of in-situ infrastructure to fish ecology and fisheries on the North West Shelf of Western Australia, and will provide scientific evidence to enable decommissioning alternatives.
About me
I grew up in Perth and graduated from UWA in 2009 with an Honours degree in Marine Science. For the past 7 years I have worked with the Marine Ecology Group in the Fisheries Research Lab at UWA, using stereo-video to better understand fish ecology and communities throughout the world. Recently, I have been working with oil and gas operators on the North West Shelf to understand how fish may be interacting with their subsea infrastructure.
Dr. Jane Prince, Dr. Dianne McLean, Prof. Julian Patridge, and Prof. David White
Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre
School of Biological Sciences (M470)
35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009</p>
+618 6488 4733
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