Jess Kolbusz

The influence of water movements on the settlement of the Western Rock Lobster (Panulirus cygnus) throughout the fishery

The settlement of the Western Rock Lobster (early-stage known as puerulus) have been monitored for over 40 years by management authorities. Now being monitored at 7 key locations between Coral Bay and Cape Mentelle, the abundance (as an index) has been used to predict the stock of the fishery 3-4 years in the future. This relationship is being questioned due to changes in ocean circulation and temperature linkages with expected numbers of puerulus also breaking down. My research is looking at these changes and links between the abundance of puerulus and oceanographic processes with an aim to assist in spatio-temporal management of the Western Rock Lobster fishery.

About me

I grew up in Perth and completed my Bachelor in Environmental Systems Engineering (Ocean Systems) in 2013 from UWA with a Diploma in Modern Languages (Italian). I did a lot of travelling in this time and then worked for a couple of years for a wave energy company based in Fremantle. Deciding I loved marine science lead me to complete a Masters in Marine Conservation and Management in 2017 which lead me to start this PhD at the start of 2018.


Prof Charitha Pattiaratchi (OGS), Dr Tim Langlois, and Dr Simon de Lestang (DPIRD)


School of Biological Sciences
The University of Western Australia (M092)
35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009</p>
+618 6488 8790
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